Takala, M., & Roos, C. (2017). Deaf Education in Finland and Sweden during 30 years. KAPET,12(2), 39-64
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Roos, C., & Olin-Scheller, C. (2017). Digital participation among children in rural areas. I S. Danby, M. Fleer, C. Davidson & M. Hatzigianni (Eds.). Digital childhoods. New York, NY: Springer.
Roos, C., & Wengelin, Å. (2016) The text telephone as and empowering technology in the daily lives of Deaf people – A qualitative study. Assistive Technology. 28(2), 63-73. doi:10.1080/10400435.2015.1085923 Link to article
Roos, C., Cramér-Wolrath, E., & Falkman, K. (2016). Intersubjective Interaction between Deaf Parents with their Deaf Infants During the Infant's First 18 Months. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 21(1), 11-22. doi:10.1093/deafed/env034 Link to article
- Roos, C., Cramér-Wolrath, E., & Falkman, K.W. (2015). Intersubjective interaction between deaf parents/deaf infants during the infants's first 18 months. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Link to article >>
- Roos, C. (2014). Sociocultural perspective on young deaf children's fingerspelling: An ethnographic study in a signing setting. Deafness and Education International, 16(2) p. 86-107.
- Roos, C. (2013). Young deaf children´s fingerspelling in learning to read and write: An ethnographic study in a signing setting. Deafness and Education International, 15(3) p. 149-178.
Roos, C. (2007). Deaf Preeschooler’s Literacy Events. In M. Hyde och G. Høie (Eds.), To be or to become. Language and learning in the lives of young deaf children.
Skådalen Publication Series No. 25. Oslo: Skådalen Resource Centre. Full text >>
- Falkman, K., & Roos, C., & Hjelmquist, E. (2007). Mentalizing skills of non-native, early signers: A longitudinal perspective. The European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 4, (2), 178-197.
Link to the journal >>
- Roos, C. (2004). Skriftspråkande döva barn. En studie om skriftspråkligt lärande i förskola och tidiga skolår. (Doctoral Degree, Thesis series: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis Nr 210.)
Göteborg: The Institution for didactics and pedagogy, Göteborgs universitet.
English summary 'here
- Roos, C., & Falkman, K.W. (2015). Children's and parents' visual-tactile behaviours for getting and sustaining attention in deaf families with deaf infants, 0-18 months. Paper presented at ICED, the International Congress on the Education of the Deaf, Athens, July , 6-9 . Fulltext >>
- Roos, C., & Ohlin-Scheller, C. (2012). Barn och barndom i forskningsskugga, nätskugga och medieskugga. En studie om barns uppväxtvillkor i relation till globaliseringsprocesser, identitetsskapande, lärande och medieanvändning i glesbygd. Konferens vid Örebro universitet; Möjligheternas barn, 5 - 7 november 2012.
- Takala, M., & Roos, C. (2012). Changes during 30-years teacher carrier. Narration and narratives as an interdisciplinary field of study, vid Örebro universitet den 4 - 5 oktober, 2012.
- Roos, C., & Falkman, K.W. (2012). Visual Interaction and Support of Intersubjective Communication in Deaf Families with Deaf Infants - Implications for Educators, ECER 2012, The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All, in Cádiz, Spain, 18 to 21 September.
- Roos, C., & Falkman, K.W. (2012). Visual-tactile Strategies and Support of Intersubjective Communication in Deaf Families with Deaf Toddlers. Paper presenterat vid 40th NERA Conference, Everyday life, education and their transformations in a Nordic and globalized context, 8-10 Mars 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Roos, C., Takala, M., & Muruvik Vonen, A. (2011). Teacher Experience During Paradigms Shift - in Deaf Education. Paper presenterat vid 38th NERA Conference, Active citizenship, 10-12 Mars 2011, Jyväskylä, Finland.
- Roos, C., & Falkman, K.W. (2010). Development of Learning and Strategies to Express and Understand Intentions in Young Deaf Children with Deaf Parents. Paper presenterat vid The 21st International Congress on Education of the Deaf, 18-21 July, Vancouver, Canada.
- Roos, C., & Falkman, K.W. (2010). Development of Learning and Strategies to Express and Understand Intentions in Young Deaf Children with Deaf Parents – Implications for Education. Paper presenterat vid 38th NERA Conference, Active citizenship, 11-13 Mars 2010, Malmö, Sweden.
- Roos, C., & Falkman, K.W. (2009). Development of Learning and Strategies to Express and Understand Intentions in Young Deaf Chidlren with Deaf Parents. Paper presented at XIV European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 18-22 Aug 2009, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Wengelin, Å., & Roos, C. (2007). Written language production in text telephone conversations between deaf people. Paper presented at 6th International Syposium on Bilingualism, Hamburg University, 30.5. – 2.6.2007.
1 abstract
- Roos, C. (2006). Learning from Deaf Children's Visual Literacy Events - Implications for the teaching of hearing children. Paper presented at The 34th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Örebro university, 9 – 11 March 2006.
1 abstract 2 full Conference text.
- Roos, C. (2005). Deaf Preeschooler’s Literacy Events. Paper presenterat vid The 6th International Conference hosted by Skådalen Resource Centre and Department of Special Needs Education” at Oslo University, 25th-26th October 2005.
1 abstract 2 full Conference text.
- Roos, C. (2005). Deaf Children’s Literacy Events. A study of early childhood literacy activities, in a signing setting. Paper presented at the conference 20th International Congress on the Education of the Deaf. Maastricht, The Netherlands, July 17th - 20th.
- Roos, C. (2003). Young Deaf Children learning about Swedish– Writing and Reading. Paper presented at the conference European Days of Deaf Education (EDDE, Örebro, May 8th – 11th 2003.
- Roos, C. (2002). “I’m not good enough.” Semi-structured interviews with deaf pupils centred on how they feel about the Swedish language. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Education, Athens, May 24th - 26th, 2002.
- Roos, C. (2000). “I’m not good enough.” Paper presented at the conference “Normalitet – Avvikelse – Differentiering”, The Institution for didactics and pedagogy, Göteborgs University, February 7th, 2000.
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